Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Pattern Cutting Guilt

Does anyone else experience pangs of guilt when cutting into an unused vintage pattern?   My Simplicity 4732 from '43 arrived a few days ago, followed by the fabric I intended to make it out of.


I opened the pattern envelope.....and it's still factory folded. Uncut, unused, in pristine condition. I couldn't bring myself to unfold it.  It's over 70 years old, how could I be the first to use it?  So back into it's protective bag it went.

My Simplicity 1625 from '56 also arrived, so I decided to start on that first.  I'm making View 3.  For fabric, I'm using this feedsack from Etsy.  I've had it for a couple months, but it's been a little too small for any other pattern.  According to the envelope, it should juuuuust fit!


I open up my pattern envelope....and it's also uncut. Perfect. Factory folded. Guiltily, I unfold the pattern.


It looks so nice.  So crisp, so new!  With a heavy sigh, I lay it on my fabric.  Perfect! Just enough.


I get all my pattern pieces cut out, and start to assemble the bodice.  What's that?  I was supposed to cut FOUR of each facing piece?  Uh oh.  Dig the scraps out of the storage bin and see what we're working with.

Hey, just enough.


The construction is pretty straightforward.  There's four darts in the front and two in the back, and instead of a neckline facing, you simply fold it over.  I left off with the bodice done and saved the straps for another day.


Maybe someday I'll get over it and unfold my Simplicity 4732.  For now, I'm happy just to have it in my collection.


  1. Haha, what a brilliant post...I know that guilty feeling very well! Some patterns are just great to have, even if it's just to look at them and swoon ;o) I love your feedsack fabric by the way, your top's going to be absolutely gorgeous!!!

  2. You could always trace the pattern, Tasia at Sewaholic did a nice little tutorial on tracing vintage patterns

    But as for that blouse (which is, amazing)- did you get it off eBay? If so you totally broke my heart as I was bidding on it, but it finished when I was asleep (live in Australia). Aaaah well I can't blame you if yes, you obviously have incredible taste!

    RL x

  3. With vintage patterns, to save the cutting guilt and so that I can alter then easily, I trace them and leave the original uncut. Yes it takes longer but it means I can shorten and adjust the pattern, and it doesn't matter if I pin it lots too. I even do this with modern ones now just because if I make them again in a different size I can just trace off the next size rather than buying a new pattern. This may ease your guilt a little.

  4. I trace the pieces I know will need altering. Then if goes wrong, I can just re-trace :)
    Ashley x

  5. I never cut patterns because of the guilt. I always trace with Swedish Tracing paper. I once cut a pattern for my daughter and then when she grew I wanted to make it again in the bigger size but I couldn't buy it again. I felt like I had totally wasted that $1.99 I'd paid. I didn't know anyone cut vintage patterns until recently on another blog. I thought people only cut new patterns.

